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Practise Makes Purpose

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“Write a blog”, they say.

“Express yourself”, they reinforce.

“Give value!”, ohhhhh now that’s just plain scarey talk!

But here I am, running after the far-ahead blog train, waving my arms and wailing “Wait! I have something to say! …”

And practising here is how I will get better at it.

practise    verb    to do something regularly or repeatedly in order to become skilled at it

But that isn’t my only meaning for ‘practise’ in this introduction…

This week I passed my mid-way Health Coach Training Program exam at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition, which means I can now work with clients professionally. I can practise.

practise   verb   to work in an important skilled job for which a lot of training is necessary

I love how the same word can have different meanings.
I love that a child practicing her spelling and a young man practising safe sex and a doctor practising medicine are all different and yet bound together by a common verb.
It reminds me of our differences and similarities, and to embrace and celebrate both.
To be aware of the parts of ourselves that intrinsically link us to others – our families, ancestors, that we are part of this great network of humanity. And also to acknowledge our unique individuality.
Keeping this awareness in mind can reap huge benefits when it comes to living a healthy and happy life.
Not all of this blog is going to be all deep and meaningful! But I can’t promise I won’t get all beardy weirdy on you every so often… stick around, it’s gonna be a smorgasbord-tastic health experience!

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